REPORTING & DISCLOSURE TRACKING OUR PROGRESS DOW | REPORTING & DISCLOSURE | 92 Dow Disclosures – GRI Content Index 102-12 External initiatives External Initiative Engagement Description Responsible Care ® Management System Voluntary initiative of the global chemical industry, a requirement of membership in the American Chemistry Council (ACC). United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Voluntary participant since 2007. Requires commitment to meet fundamental responsibilities and report progress in four areas: human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Caring for Climate signatory. Sustainable Packaging Coalition Founding partner. Helped initiate a store drop-off program for hard-to-recycle plastics. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Voluntary commitment in 2017 to report according to the TCFD recommendations by 2022. Member of the task force that established original recommendations in 2017 and continued participation in development of additional TCFD guidance. Trash Free Seas ® Alliance (TFSA) Founding member of this voluntary, by-invitation alliance in 2012. TFSA unites industry, science and conservation leaders who share a common goal for a healthy ocean free of trash. TFSA provides a constructive forum focused on identifying opportunities for cross-sector solutions that drive action and foster innovation. Keep America Beautiful (KAB) Voluntary corporate partner. Dow leaders are on the Board. Operation Clean Sweep ® (OCS) Pledged partner in this initiative of the ACC designed to prevent and help keep plastic out of the marine environment. Alliance to End Plastic Waste Founding member of organization with the goal to develop and scale solutions that manage plastic waste and promote circular economy for plastics. Circulate Capital Founding investor in effort to incubate and finance companies and infrastructure that prevents waste in oceans. CEO Water Mandate Voluntary participant since 2008. The CEO Water Mandate mobilizes a critical mass of business leaders to address global water challenges through corporate water stewardship, in partnership with the United Nations, governments, civil society organizations and other stakeholders. Water Resilience Coalition This coalition is part of CEO Water Mandate, an industry-led coalition to build a water-resilient future. We pledged to make the needed investments in our own operations, as well as work together through collective action, to accomplish three overarching commitments by 2050: net positive water impact, water-resilient value chain and global leadership. Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Voluntary participant. Dow leaders engaged with the forum for consultation and pilot of the nature-related framework in development. Together for Sustainability (TfS) Engagement with suppliers in a streamlined and strategic way, leverage the work of our industry peers and contributing our own outlook to help improve the sustainability of supply chains.

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