REPORTING & DISCLOSURE TRACKING OUR PROGRESS DOW | REPORTING & DISCLOSURE | 91 Dow Disclosures – GRI Content Index Dow utilizes non-employee contractors in select roles to (1) enable flexibility with scaling resources to meet short-term project staffing needs, (2) meet resource demands where fluctuations may occur more frequently, and/or (3) for work that is not core to Dow’s areas of expertise. There are no significant variations in employment due to tourism or agricultural industries; however, based on economic fluctuations, employment may decline or increase. The workforce data is gathered through a centralized database containing all employee information. The employee data is updated by employees, Human Resources and managers when employee information changes occur. The data represents the global employee population as of December 31, 2021, and includes all permanent, full-time and part-time employees. Temporary employees, contractors and manual additions are excluded unless otherwise stated. Throughout this report, charts exclude employees whose gender or race is unknown or undeclared, and percentages may not always add up to 100% due to rounding. 102-9 Supply chain Our supply chain extends to 150+ countries with a base of more than 31,000 vendors. Because of its global reach, we see supply chain sustainability as a key enabler of Dow’s overall corporate sustainability strategy. 2021 suppliers by commercial area: Commercial Area Number of Suppliers % Total Supply Base 2021 metrics for supply chain • 1,300 transportation service providers globally • 300 warehouses & terminals • 4,500 shipments per day • >45MM metric tons shipped per year • >40,000 delivery sites • 150 countries (origins and destinations) • >31,000 vendors Total vendors spend in 2021 was ~$47 billion with spend by geographic area being: APAC (21%), EMEA (35%), LAA (15%) and U.S./CAN (29%) Corporate Services 10,374 32.64% External Manufacturing 222 0.70% Hydrocarbons & Energy 884 2.78% Logistics 1,821 5.73% Maintenance, Repair & Operations (MRO) & Capital 15,364 48.35% Packaging 910 2.86% Raw Materials 2,204 6.94% Grand Total 31,779 100% 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain There were no significant changes to the organization or its supply chain in 2021. 102-11 Precautionary principle As a responsible corporate citizen, Dow uses a well-defined process for assessing and managing risks in the face of uncertainty. This process is science-based, ensuring decision-making includes an appropriate evaluation of risk and benefits. It applies to current products as well as those under development. Dow supports a precautionary approach as set out in Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and views the precautionary principle as an application of the principles of risk assessment and risk management. Risk assessment includes hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and, from these, an overall risk assessment. Risk management encompasses the identification, selection and implementation of alternative actions for addressing risk through the control of identified hazards and/or exposure. We believe the approach should be risk-based and cost-effective.
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