DOW | 2021 ESG REPORT | 81 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE INSTRUMENTAL TO ACCOUNTABILITY Engaging Our Global Stakeholders Engaging our global stakeholders regularly and establishing collaborative partnerships enables us to build a clear understanding of complex global challenges and risks where we operate and do business. We continually evaluate enhancements to our corporate governance, ESG and compensation practices by engaging key stakeholders – including stockholders, customers, non-governmental organizations and regulators – for their feedback. The fundamental principles of Dow’s ongoing engagement strategy are: • I nformation sharing and disclosure • P articipating in active dialogue • C ollaborating on issues of mutual interest • A cting on input provided from stakeholders We have taken the following recent actions: • C ontinued our focus on Board succession planning , reinforcing our commitment to a diverse and highly qualified Board. • A dded expertise and experience by electing two new directors in 2021 and an additional new director in 2022. • R einforced ESG oversight and accountability in the responsibilities of our Board committees. • S trengthened the link between our ESG progress and compensation through annual employee compensation programs. • P rogressed in our commitment to continuous improvement of ESG reporting and disclosures , with comprehensive disclosures aligned to the independent standards and metrics of GRI, TCFD, SASB and WEF. • I ncreased clarity of our ESG reporting and disclosures through improved carbon emissions and circularity reporting, climate risk disclosures and GHG intensity metrics for better comparison to peers. See our disclosures section for further information on external initiatives, stakeholder engagement and association memberships. See disclosures 102-42 , 102-43 , 102-44 .

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