ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INROADS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DOW | 2021 ESG REPORT | 24 CLIMATE PROTECTION BUILDING CLIMATE RESILIENCE THROUGH NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE The Mississippi Watershed is a water-stressed basin identified by the CEO Water Mandate’s WRC. We are working with The Nature Conservancy, Ecolab, the Caterpillar Foundation, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and other partners to restore more than 10,000 wetland acres in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley near our Plaquemine site in Louisiana. The project will install water control structures to increase water supply to the interior of Loch Leven, a floodplain that has been isolated by levees since the 1800s, and reconnect the tract to the Mississippi River. This will restore hydrology to the wetlands, improve water quality through sediment and nutrient reduction, enhance the land for wildlife habitat, and provide 23.4 billion gallons of flood storage capacity – helping build resilience against storms. Collaborating with Ralph Lauren to Accelerate Water Solutions in the Textile Industry Every year, water-intensive industries such as the textile and fashion industry use trillions of liters of water in fabric dyeing. 1 These industries are seeking new ways to create garments more responsibly. Dow and the iconic global brand Ralph Lauren began working together in 2018 as Ralph Lauren actively searched for solutions to more sustainably and effectively color their cotton apparel to reduce water use, emissions and harmful chemicals. The solution? Dow’s ECOFAST™ Pure Sustainable Textile Treatment , an award-winning technology for cationic pretreatment applied before the cotton-dyeing process. This technology can dramatically reduce the number of resources needed to color cotton, enabling brands to use up to 50% less water, up to 40% less energy with room-temperature dyeing, up to 90% less chemicals, and reduce their carbon footprint by up to 60%. Together, Dow and Ralph Lauren made great strides advancing ECOFAST™ Pure in the textiles industry including: • The launch of “Color on Demand™,” Ralph Lauren’s multi-phased platform powered by ECOFAST™ Pure, with the ambition to create the world’s first scalable, zero-wastewater cotton-dyeing system. Ralph Lauren, the first brand to use ECOFAST™ Pure, partnered with Dow to optimize and implement the technology in its cotton-dyeing operations, as part of the first phase of its Color on Demand platform. • The launch of select cotton products in Ralph Lauren’s 2020 Team USA Collection dyed using ECOFAST™ Pure, including village wear and Opening Ceremony Olympics pieces. • The release of a detailed, open-source manual by Dow and Ralph Lauren. This step-by-step guide shares how to use ECOFAST™ Pure – helping lower industry barriers to adoption of this new technology. Dow will continue working with Ralph Lauren to achieve its goals for Color on Demand™, including on future phases of the platform. 1 https://www.wri.org/insights/apparel-industrys-environmental-impact-6-graphics  90% less process chemicals 60% lower carbon footprint 50% less water 40% less energy

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